Pyramid of unidentified queen overview
Region Egypt : Sites+Landmarks
Section Pyramids
Latitude 29.85173752 N suggest info
Longitude 31.2218389 E
Status Accurate location
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29.851738, 31.221839 === 29.851738 N, 31.221839 E === 29° 51' 6.3" N, 31° 13' 18.6" E
Nearest sites Cult pyramid of Djedkare Isesi, circa 121 m (132 yd) south
Pyramid of Djedkare Isesi, circa 120 m (131 yd) south-west
Cult pyramid of Pepi 1, circa 343 m (376 yd) north-west
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Nebwenet, circa 351 m (384 yd) north-west
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Inenek-Inti, circa 369 m (404 yd) north-west
Pyramid of Pepi 1, circa 408 m (446 yd) north-west
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Meritites II, circa 384 m (420 yd) north-west
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, west pyramid, circa 396 m (433 yd) north-west
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Ankhesenpepi II, circa 407 m (446 yd) west
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Ankhesenpepi III, circa 420 m (459 yd) north-west
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Haaheru and Neterikhethor, circa 429 m (469 yd) north-west
Pyramid of Rehrrychefnakht, circa 453 m (495 yd) north-west
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 1, Behenu, circa 463 m (506 yd) north-west
Cult pyramid of Merenre, circa 602 m (658 yd) west
Pyramid of Merenre, circa 659 m (721 yd) west
Pyramid of Qakare Ibi, circa 1191 m (1303 yd) south-west
Funerary temple of Unas, circa 1.6 km (1716 yd) north
Queen's pyramid of Pepi 2, Neith, circa 1457 m (1593 yd) south-west
Cult pyramid of Pepi 2, circa 1.5 km (1646 yd) south-west
Pyramid of Shepseskaf, circa 1.6 km (1707 yd) south-west
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Tags Sites + Landmarks
Database ID 1751, created 23 Jul 2012, 00:33, Last changed 8 Apr 2014, 18:24