U Thong overview
Region Asia : East Asia : Settlements
Section Southeast Asia
Latitude 14.3731611 N suggest info
Longitude 99.88912407 E
Status Accurate location
Info Possibly the center of the Dvaravati culture.
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14.373161, 99.889124 === 14.373161 N, 99.889124 E === 14° 22' 23.4" N, 99° 53' 20.8" E
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Nearest sites Nakhon Pathom, circa 64.1 km (39.9 mi) south
Wat Chaiwatthanaram, circa 70.4 km (43.8 mi) east
Khok Phanom Di, circa 161 km (100 mi) south-east
Phnom Bakheng, circa 441 km (274 mi) east
Angkor Wat, circa 442 km (274.6 mi) east
Database ID 7268, created 13 Mar 2023, 16:02, Last changed 13 Mar 2023, 16:02