Lorenzberg overview
Modern name(s) Epfach
Region Europe
Section Central Europe
Latitude 47.91440407 N suggest info
Longitude 10.91554252 E
Status Accurate location
Info Roman street fort to guard the crossing of the Via Claudia and the salt road.
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47.914404, 10.915543 === 47.914404 N, 10.915543 E === 47° 54' 51.9" N, 10° 54' 56.0" E
Main site Abodiacum, Epfach, circa 571 m (625 yd) west
Nearest sites Cambodunum, Kempten, circa 48.7 km (30.2 mi) west
Augusta Vindelicorum, Augusta Vindelicum, Aelia Augusta, Damasia, Augsburg, circa 51.1 km (31.7 mi) north
Bernstorf, circa 76.2 km (47.3 mi) north-east
Phoebiana, Faimingen, circa 81.2 km (50.4 mi) north-west
Kastell Unterkirchberg, circa 83 km (51.5 mi) north-west
Hohlenstein-Stadel, circa 89.5 km (55.6 mi) north-west
Brigantion, Brigantium, Bregenz, circa 98.7 km (61.3 mi) west
Aquileia, Heidenheim, circa 101.6 km (63.1 mi) north-west
Germanicum, Kastell Kösching, circa 108.6 km (67.5 mi) north-east
Castra Vetoniana, Vetonianae, Kastell Pfünz, circa 110.9 km (68.9 mi) north
Losodica, Kastell Munningen, circa 114.9 km (71.4 mi) north
Celeusum, Epona, Eponaburgium, Kastell Pförring, circa 115.5 km (71.7 mi) north-east
Kastell Böhming, circa 119.3 km (74.1 mi) north-east
Kastell Burgsalach, circa 123.4 km (76.7 mi) north
Biriciana, Kastell Weißenburg, circa 124.2 km (77.2 mi) north
Sablonetum, Kastell Ellingen, circa 128 km (79.5 mi) north
Mediana, Kastell Gnotzheim, circa 128 km (79.6 mi) north
Kastell Ruffenhofen, circa 129.9 km (80.7 mi) north
Kastell Unterschwaningen, circa 130.3 km (81 mi) north
≫ more...
Database ID 13571, created 4 Oct 2014, 15:37, Last changed 4 Oct 2014, 15:47