Nogai overview
Modern name(s) Prymorsk
Region Pontus
Latitude 46.7261186 N suggest info
Longitude 36.35573289 E
Status Imprecise
Info The modern city and the surrounding area was inhabited by people in ancient times.
In the vicinity eight grave mounds and five small settlements of the 3rd to 1st century BCE were detected. Also found was a settlement and a mound from the Sythian period (4th century BCE). In the mound a gold quiver, arrows with bronze tips and bronze rings were found.
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46.726119, 36.355733 === 46.726119 N, 36.355733 E === 46° 43' 34.0" N, 36° 21' 20.6" E
Nearest sites Porthmeion, Parthenion, Porthmia, circa 152.2 km (94.6 mi) south
Pantikapaion, Kerch, circa 153.2 km (95.2 mi) south
Myrmekion, circa 153.2 km (95.2 mi) south
Pantikapaion, Tyritake, Kerch, circa 161.2 km (100.1 mi) south
Nymphaion, circa 165.7 km (103 mi) south
Phanagoria, circa 167.9 km (104.3 mi) south-east
Hermonassa, Tamantarkhan, Tamatarkha, Tmutarakan, Tmutorakan, circa 169.9 km (105.5 mi) south
Phanagoreia, circa 173.7 km (107.9 mi) south
Kimmerikon, Psoa, Cimmericum, circa 187.3 km (116.4 mi) south
Theodosia, Caffa, Feodosiya, circa 200.5 km (124.6 mi) south-west
Sinda, Gorgippia, Anapa, circa 216.5 km (134.5 mi) south-east
Tanais, Azov, circa 231 km (143.5 mi) east
Tanais, circa 233.9 km (145.3 mi) east
Neapolis, circa 263.2 km (163.6 mi) south-west
Mangup-Kale, circa 309.3 km (192.2 mi) south-west
Herakleia Chersonesos, Chersonesos Taurica, Sevastopol, circa 324 km (201.3 mi) south-west
Olbia, Parutino, Parutyne, circa 339.4 km (210.9 mi) west
Borysthenes, circa 377.6 km (234.6 mi) west
Nikonion, circa 457.3 km (284.1 mi) west
Sarkel, Sharkil, circa 459.8 km (285.7 mi) east
≫ more...
Database ID 22607, created 5 Sep 2015, 12:20, Last changed 5 Sep 2015, 12:20