Fort de Bellegarde overview
Modern name(s) Fort de Bellegarde
Region Medieval sites
Latitude 42.45854592 N suggest info
Longitude 2.85920167 E
Status Accurate location
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42.458546, 2.859202 === 42.458546 N, 2.859202 E === 42° 27' 30.8" N, 2° 51' 33.1" E
This is a collection of images, thoughts, and resources about Ancient Greece. This site does not aspire to be a definitive and finite publication on the subject. Instead it exists in constant flux and evolves through time.
Thomas Sakoulas
Professor and Chair of the Art Department at the State University of New York, at Oneonta.
Nearest sites Summus Pyrenaeus, Site archéologique de Panissars, circa 558 m (610 yd) south-west
Clausurae, Les Cluses, circa 3 km (1.9 mi) north-west
Iuncaria, La Jonquera, circa 4.6 km (2.8 mi) south
Rhoda, Rodanus, Rhodus, Roses, circa 33.2 km (20.6 mi) south-east
Barkeno, Barcino, Barcilonum, Barcenona, Barcelona, circa 132.1 km (82.1 mi) south-west
Aquae Siccae, Saint-Cizy, Cazères, circa 166.7 km (103.6 mi) north-west
Aquae Onesiorum, Bagnères-de-Luchon, circa 189.4 km (117.7 mi) west
Tarraco aquaeduct, circa 198.1 km (123.1 mi) south-west
Tarchon, Tarraco, Tarragona, circa 199.8 km (124.2 mi) south-west
Barbegal, aqueduct and mill, circa 205 km (127.4 mi) north-east
Aquae Convenarum, Capvern les Bains, circa 220.7 km (137.1 mi) west
Tolous, Monzón, circa 227.9 km (141.6 mi) west
Caumont-sur-Durance, Clos-de-Serre, circa 232.3 km (144.4 mi) north-east
Aquae Sextiae, Aix-en-Provence, circa 241.8 km (150.2 mi) east
Arausio, Orange, circa 244.3 km (151.8 mi) north-east
Adsilanum, circa 245.5 km (152.5 mi) north
Apta Iulia, Apt, circa 259.2 km (161.1 mi) north-east
Noviomagus Tricastinorum, Augusta, Colonia Flavia Tricastinorum, Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux, circa 260.5 km (161.9 mi) north-east
Dertosa, Dertusa, Hibera Iulia Ilercavonia, Tortosa, circa 266.9 km (165.8 mi) south-west
Urbs Victrix Osca, Huesca, circa 271.1 km (168.4 mi) west
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Database ID 24140, created 16 Feb 2014, 19:15, Last changed 21 Jun 2014, 14:43