Koumbi Saleh overview
Region Medieval sites
Section Africa
Latitude 15.76546651 N suggest info
Longitude 7.96796278 W
Status Accurate location
Info Most likely the capital of the medieval West African Empire of Ghana. The settlement hill is located at the transition from the West African Sahara to the Sudan zone to the south, about 20 kilometers north of the Mali border.
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15.765467, -7.967963 === 15.765467 N, 7.967963 W === 15° 45' 55.7" N, 7° 58' 4.7" W
Nearest sites Aoudaghost, circa 318.9 km (198.1 mi) north-west
Great Mosque of Djenné, circa 421.1 km (261.7 mi) south-east
Niani, circa 490 km (304.5 mi) south
Database ID 24989, created 26 Aug 2024, 20:41, Last changed 26 Aug 2024, 20:43