Teos overview
Region Aegean
Latitude 38.17726482 N suggest info
Longitude 26.78538382 E
Status Accurate location
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38.177265, 26.785384 === 38.177265 N, 26.785384 E === 38° 10' 38.2" N, 26° 47' 7.4" E
Pleiades gives scholars, students, and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, and share historical geographic information about the ancient world in digital form. At present, Pleiades has extensive coverage for the Greek and Roman world, and is expanding culturally, spatially, and temporally.
Nearest sites Lebedos, Levedos, circa 19.6 km (12.2 mi) south-east
Liman Tepe, Klazomenai, Clazomenae, Urla Iskelesi, circa 20.6 km (12.8 mi) north
Klazomenai, circa 22 km (13.7 mi) north
Erythrai Thatre, circa 35.1 km (21.8 mi) north-west
Erythrai, Erythrae, Ildir, circa 34.9 km (21.7 mi) north-west
Smyrna, Izmir, circa 41 km (25.5 mi) north-east
Claros, Colophon, circa 40.5 km (25.2 mi) south-east
Notion, circa 41.5 km (25.8 mi) south-east
Pythagoreion, circa 55.6 km (34.5 mi) south
Heraion of Samos, circa 56.9 km (35.4 mi) south
Smyrna, Tepekule, Bayrakli, circa 46.3 km (28.8 mi) north-east
Phokaia, Phocaea, Foça, circa 54.7 km (34 mi) north
Ephesos, Ephesus, Selçuk, circa 55 km (34.2 mi) south-east
Ephesos Serapeum, circa 55.3 km (34.4 mi) south-east
Temple of Artemis, Artemision, circa 56.6 km (35.2 mi) east
Larissa, Phrikonis, Buruncuk, circa 58.6 km (36.4 mi) north-east
Neon Teichos, circa 59.9 km (37.2 mi) north-east
Metropolis, circa 47.3 km (29.4 mi) east
Kyme, Cyme, circa 66.1 km (41.1 mi) north
Temnos, Temnus, circa 65 km (40.4 mi) north-east
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Database ID 2640, created 1 May 2012, 17:24, Last changed 1 May 2012, 17:24