Temple at Beit el-Wali overview
Region Egypt : Sites+Landmarks
Section Temples
Latitude 23.96184591 N suggest info
Longitude 32.86636178 E
Status Accurate location
Main site Talmis, New Kalabsha, Khor Ingi Island, circa 94 m (103 yd) south-east
Related sites Chapel of Dedwen, circa 127 m (139 yd) south
Temple at Kalabsha, circa 148 m (162 yd) south-east
Kiosk of Kartassi, circa 228 m (249 yd) south-east
Nearest sites
within 500 km
Temple at Gerf Hussein, circa 186 m (203 yd) south
Temple at Senmet, Bigeh island, circa 7 km (4.4 mi) north
Pilak, Philae, circa 7.3 km (4.6 mi) north
Konosso, circa 7.4 km (4.6 mi) north
Abu, Elephantine, circa 13.8 km (8.6 mi) north
Pyramid at Elephantine, circa 13.9 km (8.6 mi) north
Swenet, Syene, Aswan, circa 14.2 km (8.8 mi) north
Deir Anba Simaan, St. Simeon Coptic Monastery, circa 14.8 km (9.2 mi) north
Nubt, Ombos, Kom Ombo, circa 54.9 km (34.1 mi) north
Tutzis, Temple of Dendur, circa 64.9 km (40.3 mi) south
Gebel el-Silsila, circa 75.6 km (47 mi) north
Kheny, Khenu, Gebel el-Silsila, circa 76.8 km (47.8 mi) north
Contra Pselchis, circa 87.2 km (54.2 mi) south
Hierasykaminos, Al-Maharraqa, circa 101.1 km (62.8 mi) south
Pyramid at Edfu (South), circa 109.2 km (67.9 mi) north
Behdet, Apollonopolis Magna, Edfu, Idfu, circa 112.9 km (70.2 mi) north
Temple at Edfu, circa 113 km (70.2 mi) north
Enclosure of Khasekhemwy, circa 125.9 km (78.3 mi) north
Nekhen, Hierakonpolis, Kom El-Ahmar, circa 126.6 km (78.7 mi) north
Nekheb, Eileithyiaspolis, Lucinae Civitas, El Kab, circa 128.9 km (80.1 mi) north
Rock-cut tombs at Nekheb, circa 129.8 km (80.6 mi) north
Temple of Thutmosis 3, circa 129.8 km (80.7 mi) north
Chapel of Ramesses 2, circa 130.4 km (81 mi) north
Shesmetet temple, circa 130.5 km (81.1 mi) north
Inscribed rocks, circa 130.7 km (81.2 mi) north
Inscribed rocks, circa 130.8 km (81.3 mi) north
Pyramid of El-Kula, Step-pyramid, circa 131 km (81.4 mi) north
Wadi es-Sebua, circa 133.1 km (82.7 mi) south
Pselqet, Pselchis, Ad-Dakka, circa 133.1 km (82.7 mi) south
Hierasykaminos, Al-Maharraqa, circa 133.1 km (82.7 mi) south
New Wadi es-Sebua, circa 134 km (83.3 mi) south
Contra Latopolis, Al Hillah, circa 149.9 km (93.1 mi) north
Temple at Ad-Darr, circa 150 km (93.2 mi) south-west
Temple at Amada, circa 150.1 km (93.3 mi) south-west
Iunyt, Ta-senet, Latopolis, Letopolis, Esna, Isna, Sne, circa 151.3 km (94 mi) north
Qasr Ibrim, Primis, circa 171 km (106.3 mi) south-west
Al Miallah, circa 171.2 km (106.4 mi) north
Inerty, Per-Hathor, Pathyris, Aphroditopolis, Gebelein, circa 173.6 km (107.9 mi) north
Djerty, Tuphium, Tod, circa 183.4 km (113.9 mi) north
Kastron Thebon, circa 186.4 km (115.8 mi) north
Iuny, Hermonthis, Erment, Armant, circa 187.4 km (116.5 mi) north
Arminna, circa 192.1 km (119.4 mi) south-west
Waset, Thebes, Luxor, circa 194.4 km (120.8 mi) north
Luxor Temple, circa 194.6 km (120.9 mi) north
Temple at Deir el Shelwit, circa 194.9 km (121.1 mi) north
Waset, great Amun temple, Waset, great Amun temple, circa 196.4 km (122 mi) north
Palace of Amenhotep 3, Malkata, circa 197 km (122.4 mi) north
Temple of Amenhotep 3, circa 197.2 km (122.5 mi) north
Colossi of Memnon, circa 197.3 km (122.6 mi) north
Temple of Ramses 3 at Medinet Habu, circa 197.3 km (122.6 mi) north
Aten, The Rise of Aten, circa 197.6 km (122.8 mi) north
Madu, Nag el-Madamud, circa 197.7 km (122.9 mi) north
Merenptah temple, circa 197.8 km (122.9 mi) north
Temple of Towseret, circa 197.9 km (123 mi) north
Ramesseum, circa 198 km (123.1 mi) north
Set Maat, Deir el-Medina, circa 198.2 km (123.2 mi) north
Temple of Hathor and Maat, Deir el-Medina, circa 198.3 km (123.2 mi) north
Temple of Seti 1, circa 198.4 km (123.3 mi) north
Tomb of Sennefer, TT96, circa 198.5 km (123.4 mi) north
Tomb of Harwa, TT37, circa 198.8 km (123.5 mi) north
Tomb of Amenhotep 1 ?, KV39, circa 199.1 km (123.7 mi) north
Tomb of Thutmose 3, KV34, circa 199.3 km (123.8 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV33, circa 199.3 km (123.8 mi) north
Tomb of Queen Hatshepsut-Meryetre, KV42, circa 199.3 km (123.8 mi) north
Tomb of Nehmes Bastet, KV64, circa 199.3 km (123.8 mi) north
Tomb of Tia'a, KV32, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of Thutmose 4, KV43, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV37, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV31, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of Thutmose 1 and Hatshepsut, KV20, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of Mentuherkhepshef, KV19, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV41, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV30, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV59, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of Sitre Inet, KV60, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of Seti 2, KV15, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV26, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of Royal Children, KV40, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of Thutmose 1, KV38, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of Twosret, KV14, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of Siptah, KV47, circa 199.4 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV54, circa 199.5 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV21, circa 199.5 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of Bay, KV13, circa 199.5 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV29, circa 199.5 km (123.9 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV27, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV12, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Ramesses 10, KV18, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Maiherpri, KV36, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Seti 1, KV17, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Ramesses 1, KV16, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV53, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV44, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of animal burials, KV51, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Ramesses 3, KV11, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Userhet, KV45, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV49, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Amenmesse, KV10, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Amenemipet, KV48, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Horemheb, KV57, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV58, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Amenhotep 2, KV35, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, KV56, circa 199.5 km (124 mi) north
Mummification storage chamber, KV63, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Ramesses 5 and Ramesses 6, KV09, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Tiye or Akhenaten, KV55, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Tutankhamen, KV62, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Ramesses 9, KV06, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Ramesses 11, KV04, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of the sons of Ramesses 2, KV05, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Ramesses 2, KV07, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Yuya and Thuyu, KV46, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Merenptah, KV08, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified son of Ramesses 3, KV03, circa 199.6 km (124 mi) north
Tomb of Ramesses 4, KV02, circa 199.7 km (124.1 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, WV25, circa 199.8 km (124.1 mi) north
Tomb of unidentified person, WV24, circa 199.8 km (124.1 mi) north
Tomb of Ramesses 7, KV01, circa 199.8 km (124.1 mi) north
Tomb of Ay, WV23, circa 199.8 km (124.2 mi) north
Tomb of Amenhotep 3, WV22, circa 199.9 km (124.2 mi) north
Temple of Sankhkare Mentuhotep 3, circa 202.3 km (125.7 mi) north
Temple at Shanhur, circa 211.4 km (131.3 mi) north
Gesa, Apollonopolis Parva, Qus, circa 217.2 km (134.9 mi) north
Naqada, Nagade, circa 217.8 km (135.3 mi) north
Pyramid at Ombos, Naqada, circa 220.6 km (137.1 mi) north
Abu Simbel, circa 220.8 km (137.2 mi) south-west
Nubt, Ombos, Tukh, circa 224.2 km (139.3 mi) north
Set temple at Nubt, circa 224.2 km (139.3 mi) north
Pyramid of Huni, Tukh Pyramid, circa 224.4 km (139.5 mi) north
Gebtu, Coptos, Qift, circa 226.3 km (140.6 mi) north
Qasr Dush, circa 228.4 km (141.9 mi) west
Ain Manawir, circa 232.2 km (144.3 mi) west
Hut-Sekhem, Diospolis Parva, Diospolis Mikra, Hiw, circa 236.4 km (146.9 mi) north
Chenoboskion, Sheneset, Al-Qasr, circa 239.7 km (148.9 mi) north
Taramsa Hill, circa 240.6 km (149.5 mi) north
Nagaa Hammadi, circa 240.7 km (149.6 mi) north
Qustul, circa 241 km (149.8 mi) south-west
Ibshek, Pachoras, Faras, circa 242.6 km (150.8 mi) south-west
Ta-ynt-netert, Iunet, Tantere, Tentyra, Denderah, Dendera, circa 243.2 km (151.1 mi) north
Kaine, Caene, Cainepolis, Maximianopolis, Keneh, Qena, circa 245 km (152.3 mi) north
Pyramid at Sink, circa 260.5 km (161.8 mi) north
Queen's shrine of Ahmose, Tetisheri, circa 262.9 km (163.4 mi) north-west
Pyramid of Ahmose, circa 263.3 km (163.6 mi) north-west
Temple of Ahmose, circa 263.5 km (163.7 mi) north-west
Tomb of Khasekhemwy, circa 264.1 km (164.1 mi) north-west
Tomb of Qa'a, circa 264.2 km (164.2 mi) north-west
Tomb of Semerkhet, U, circa 264.3 km (164.2 mi) north-west
Tomb of Den, T, circa 264.3 km (164.2 mi) north-west
Tomb of Meren-Neith, Y, circa 264.3 km (164.3 mi) north-west
Cemetery at Abdju, Abydos, Umm el Ga'ab, circa 264.3 km (164.3 mi) north-west
Tomb of Djet, Z, circa 264.3 km (164.3 mi) north-west
Tomb of Anedjib, X, circa 264.4 km (164.3 mi) north-west
Tomb of Djer, O, circa 264.4 km (164.3 mi) north-west
Tomb of Aha, B10, B15, B19, circa 264.4 km (164.3 mi) north-west
Tomb of Narmer, B17, B18, circa 264.4 km (164.3 mi) north-west
Tomb of Peribsen, P, circa 264.4 km (164.3 mi) north-west
Tomb of Ka, B7, B8, B9, circa 264.4 km (164.3 mi) north-west
Tomb of Iry-Hor, B1, B2, circa 264.4 km (164.3 mi) north-west
Tomb of Scorpion 1 ?, U-j, circa 264.5 km (164.4 mi) north-west
Osireion, circa 264.9 km (164.6 mi) north-west
Temple of Seti 1, circa 264.9 km (164.6 mi) north-west
Temple of Ramesses 2, circa 265.2 km (164.8 mi) north-west
Berenice Troglodytica, Baranis, Medinet-el Haras, circa 265.3 km (164.9 mi) east
Enclosure of Khasekhemwy, Shunet ez Zebib, circa 265.8 km (165.2 mi) north-west
Western Mastaba, circa 265.9 km (165.2 mi) north-west
Enclosure of Merneith, circa 265.9 km (165.2 mi) north-west
Enclosure of Peribsen, circa 266 km (165.3 mi) north-west
Enclosure of Djer, circa 266 km (165.3 mi) north-west
Enclosure of Djet, circa 266 km (165.3 mi) north-west
Abdju, Abydos, Abidus, Kom es Sultan, circa 266 km (165.3 mi) north-west
Enclosures of Aha, circa 266.1 km (165.3 mi) north-west
Nabta Playa, Calendar circle, circa 270.6 km (168.1 mi) south-west
Nabta Playa, Complex structure A, circa 272 km (169 mi) south-west
Qasr ez-Zaiyan, circa 272.8 km (169.5 mi) north-west
Qasr el-Ghweita, circa 275.9 km (171.5 mi) north-west
Umm El-Mawagir, "Northern (Bakery) Area", circa 276.2 km (171.6 mi) north-west
Ain Askar, circa 276.3 km (171.7 mi) north-west
Umm El-Mawagir, "Central Area", circa 276.3 km (171.7 mi) north-west
Buhen, circa 280.7 km (174.4 mi) south-west
Rock-cut tombs at Thinis, circa 281 km (174.6 mi) north
Tjenu, Thinis, Girga, circa 281.3 km (174.8 mi) north
Mastaba at Darah K1, circa 281.9 km (175.2 mi) north-west
Nadura temple, circa 286.6 km (178.1 mi) north-west
Temple of Hibis, circa 287.8 km (178.8 mi) north-west
El-Bagawat necropolis, Al-Bagawat, circa 288.5 km (179.2 mi) north-west
Ptolemais Hermiou, Psoi, Al Minshah, circa 299.5 km (186.1 mi) north-west
Hut-Repyt, Athribis, Tripheion, Wannina, circa 308.1 km (191.5 mi) north-west
Temple of Athribis, circa 308.1 km (191.5 mi) north-west
Apu, Khen-min, Khemmis, Panopolis, Akhmim, circa 310.6 km (193 mi) north-west
Rock-cut tombs at Akhmim, circa 311.3 km (193.4 mi) north
Berenice Panchrysos, circa 322.9 km (200.7 mi) south-east
Fortress at Shalfak, circa 327.8 km (203.7 mi) south-west
Fortress at Uronarti, circa 332.2 km (206.4 mi) south-west
Kumma, circa 336 km (208.8 mi) south-west
Semna, circa 336.8 km (209.3 mi) south-west
Dabenarti, circa 337.1 km (209.5 mi) south-west
Iqen, Iken, Mirgissa, circa 337.6 km (209.8 mi) south-west
Semna south, circa 338.4 km (210.3 mi) south-west
Tjebu, Djew-Qa, Antaeopolis, Qau, Qaw el-Kebir, circa 356.2 km (221.3 mi) north-west
Tombs at El-Hammamiya, circa 358.5 km (222.8 mi) north-west
Al-Badari, circa 367.1 km (228.1 mi) north-west
Apotheke, Abutig, Abu Tij, circa 375.8 km (233.5 mi) north-west
Zawty, Lycopolis, Lykopolis, Asyut, circa 396.5 km (246.3 mi) north-west
Pr-Nemty, Hierakon, Theracon, Al Atawla, circa 400.1 km (248.6 mi) north-west
Pyramid of Khui, circa 422.4 km (262.4 mi) north-west
Amara West, circa 432.4 km (268.7 mi) south-west
Amara East, circa 434.2 km (269.8 mi) south-west
Cusas, Al Qusiyyah, circa 437.8 km (272 mi) north-west
Bedkholo, Deir Abu Matta, circa 440 km (273.4 mi) north-west
Meir, circa 441.4 km (274.3 mi) north-west
Saï, ChaĆ¢t ?, circa 443.2 km (275.4 mi) south-west
Kerma Necropolis, SAC5 tombs, circa 443.8 km (275.8 mi) south-west
Sai Island site B, circa 445.3 km (276.7 mi) south-west
Temple at Deir el-Hagar, circa 450.7 km (280.1 mi) north-west
Panehsy's House, circa 454.5 km (282.4 mi) north-west
Aten temple, circa 454.5 km (282.4 mi) north-west
Great Aten temple, circa 455 km (282.8 mi) north-west
Akhetaten, Tell el Amarna, circa 454.6 km (282.5 mi) north-west
North palace at Akhetaten, circa 456.7 km (283.8 mi) north-west
el-Sheikh Sa'id, circa 462 km (287.1 mi) north-west
Deir el-Bersha, circa 465.2 km (289.1 mi) north-west
Temple at Sulb, Soleb, circa 470.8 km (292.5 mi) south-west
Antinoopolis, El-Shaikh Ebada, circa 471.8 km (293.2 mi) north-west
Pyramid field at Seidenga, circa 471.3 km (292.9 mi) south-west
Tuna el-Gebel, circa 472.2 km (293.4 mi) north-west
Khnum, Khemennu, Hermopolis Magna, El-Ashmunein, circa 472.2 km (293.4 mi) north-west
Speos Artemidos, circa 481.5 km (299.2 mi) north-west
Beni Hasan, circa 484 km (300.8 mi) north-west
Temples at Sesebi, Sese, Sudla, circa 490.7 km (304.9 mi) south-west
Mastaba at Zawyet el-Maiyitin, circa 497.7 km (309.2 mi) north-west
Hebenu, Kom el-Ahmar, circa 498.4 km (309.7 mi) north-west
Tags Sites + Landmarks
Database ID 29286, created 7 Dec 2014, 10:55, Last changed 7 Dec 2014, 11:09