Asagi Anzaf overview
Modern name(s) Asagi Anzaf
Region Anatolia
Latitude 38.56784186 N suggest info
Longitude 43.46422028 E
Status Accurate location
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38.567842, 43.464220 === 38.567842 N, 43.464220 E === 38° 34' 4.2" N, 43° 27' 51.2" E
University of Uppsala
The Department of Linguistics and Philology is a part of the Faculty of Languages, and therefore within the Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences. It is responsible for research and education in African and Asian languages and cultures, the European classical languages, as well as linguistics and computational linguistics.
Olof Pedersén
Professor in Assyriology. His research has treated different central aspects of the use of written documentation within the older cultures in the Ancient Near East and the relation between the written and the material historical evidence.
Nearest sites Yukari Anzaf, circa 1050 m (1148 yd) south-east
Rusahinili, Toprakkale, circa 8.3 km (5.1 mi) south-west
Tushpa, Van, circa 13.1 km (8.1 mi) south-west
Sardurihinili, Çavustepe, circa 23.9 km (14.8 mi) south
Çavustepe Kalesi, Haykaberd, Sardurihinilli, circa 23.9 km (14.9 mi) south
Rusahinili Eidorukai, Ayanis, circa 27 km (16.8 mi) north-west
Haftavan Tepe, circa 124.2 km (77.1 mi) east
Shanidar cave, circa 168.8 km (104.9 mi) south
Nurettin Höyügü, circa 116.9 km (72.6 mi) north-west
Bastam Tepe, Rusai, Rusaipatari, circa 133.5 km (83 mi) east
Argishtihinili, Davti-blur, circa 175.2 km (108.9 mi) north
Cudi Dagh, Mount Judi, circa 158.7 km (98.6 mi) south-west
Maltai, circa 195.7 km (121.6 mi) south
Ger-e Pan, circa 204.6 km (127.2 mi) south
Nervan Tepe, circa 176.9 km (109.9 mi) south-west
Takyan Höyük, circa 180.7 km (112.3 mi) south-west
Amedi, Amadiya, circa 164.1 km (102 mi) south
Nemrik, circa 209.1 km (129.9 mi) south
Amarsava Höyük, circa 182 km (113.1 mi) south-west
Teishebaini, Karmir Blur, circa 195.7 km (121.6 mi) north-east
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Database ID 3660, created 12 Aug 2012, 13:13, Last changed 12 Aug 2012, 13:13