Bracara Augusta overview
Modern name(s) Braga
Region Europe
Section Iberian peninsula
Latitude 41.54682644 N suggest info
Longitude 8.42990782 W
Status Imprecise
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41.546826, -8.429908 === 41.546826 N, 8.429908 W === 41° 32' 48.6" N, 8° 25' 47.7" W
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Nearest sites Portus Cale, Porto, circa 47.2 km (29.4 mi) south-west
Cale, circa 48.2 km (30 mi) south-west
Castro de Santa Tegra, Castro de Santa Tecla, circa 53 km (32.9 mi) north-west
Aquae Quarquernae, circa 60.4 km (37.5 mi) north-east
Castro de Troña, circa 74.4 km (46.2 mi) north
Castro de Castromao, circa 78 km (48.5 mi) north-east
Castro de San Millao, circa 79.1 km (49.2 mi) north-east
Castro de Saceda, circa 79.1 km (49.2 mi) north-east
Aurium, Aurenses, Auriensis, Orense, circa 99.4 km (61.8 mi) north-east
Castro de Santomé, circa 102 km (63.4 mi) north-east
Castro do Coto do Mosteiro, circa 107.4 km (66.7 mi) north
Cunha Baixa, circa 121.9 km (75.7 mi) south-east
Civitas Aravorum, Devesa Marialva, circa 122.4 km (76.1 mi) south-east
Castros de Punta Neixón, circa 128.8 km (80 mi) north
Dactionum, Monforte de Lemos, circa 132.3 km (82.2 mi) north-east
Castro de Baroña, circa 136.9 km (85.1 mi) north-west
Castro Lupario, Castro de Beca, circa 141.8 km (88.1 mi) north
Santiago de Compostela, circa 148.5 km (92.3 mi) north
Aeminium, Coimbra, circa 148.8 km (92.4 mi) south
Castromaior, circa 154.6 km (96 mi) north-east
≫ more...
Database ID 8457, created 24 Oct 2015, 19:57, Last changed 26 May 2024, 19:03