Chiapa de Corzo overview
Region Latin America : Settlements
Section Mesoamerica
Latitude 16.70278081 N suggest info
Longitude 93.00406045 W
Status Accurate location
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16.702781, -93.004060 === 16.702781 N, 93.004060 W === 16° 42' 10.0" N, 93° ' 14.6" W
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Nearest sites Comalcalco, circa 176.5 km (109.7 mi) north
Pyramid at Comalcalco, Temple I, circa 176.6 km (109.8 mi) north
Palenque, circa 133.9 km (83.2 mi) north-east
Tonina, circa 108.1 km (67.2 mi) east
Tenam Puente, circa 114.3 km (71 mi) south-east
Tortuguero, circa 118.8 km (73.8 mi) north-east
Van Meter Mounds, circa 2510.1 km (1559.7 mi) north
Old Fort, circa 2509.8 km (1559.5 mi) north
Temple at Chinkultic, circa 144.8 km (90 mi) south-east
Chinkultic, circa 145.2 km (90.2 mi) south-east
Alexander Mound, circa 1685.6 km (1047.4 mi) north
Boothe Landing Mound, circa 1690.5 km (1050.4 mi) north
Lagartero, circa 154.2 km (95.8 mi) south-east
Zaculeu, circa 221.9 km (137.9 mi) south-east
Pomoná, circa 175.5 km (109 mi) north-east
Plan de Ayutla, circa 183.8 km (114.2 mi) east
Natchez, circa 1656.2 km (1029.1 mi) north
La Venta, circa 190.7 km (118.5 mi) north-west
Emerald Mound, circa 1670 km (1037.7 mi) north
Utatlan, Q'umarkaj, circa 270.7 km (168.2 mi) south-east
≫ more...
Database ID 8865, created 7 Apr 2012, 18:33, Last changed 4 Jul 2013, 22:29