Lamanai overview
Modern name(s) Lamanai
Region Latin America : Settlements
Section Mesoamerica
Latitude 17.76684141 N suggest info
Longitude 88.65300861 W
Status Accurate location
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17.766841, -88.653009 === 17.766841 N, 88.653009 W === 17° 46' 0.6" N, 88° 39' 10.8" W
Ancient Cities DataBase
A website for collecting general information about cities and towns that were founded before 400 AD
Related sites High temple at Lamanai, N10-43, circa 115 m (126 yd) north
Jaguar temple at Lamanai, N10-9, circa 232 m (253 yd) south
Mask temple at Lamanai, N9-56, circa 455 m (497 yd) north-east
Nearest sites Temple of the Green Tomb at Altun-Ha, A-1, circa 32.3 km (20.1 mi) east
Temple at Altun Ha, A-3, circa 32.3 km (20.1 mi) east
Palace at Altun Ha, B-3, circa 32.4 km (20.1 mi) east
Temple of the Masonry Altars at Altun Ha, B-4, circa 32.4 km (20.1 mi) east
Cerros, circa 73.1 km (45.5 mi) north-east
Baking Pot, circa 73.9 km (45.9 mi) south-west
Kohunlich, circa 74 km (46 mi) north
Cahal Pech, circa 82.2 km (51.1 mi) south-west
Dzibanché, circa 87.1 km (54.1 mi) north
Chakanbakán, circa 89.7 km (55.7 mi) north-west
Xunantunich, circa 91.4 km (56.8 mi) south-west
Dzibanche, circa 97.6 km (60.6 mi) north
Rio Bec, circa 100.6 km (62.5 mi) north-west
Building at Rio Bec, circa 100.7 km (62.6 mi) north-west
Okolhuitz, circa 109.4 km (68 mi) north-west
Yaxha, circa 110.3 km (68.6 mi) south-west
Yaxha, circa 110.6 km (68.7 mi) south-west
≫ more...
Database ID 8836, created 6 May 2012, 15:53, Last changed 1 Jan 2015, 17:36